Numpy: fast calculations considering items neighbors and their position inside the array

2024/9/19 9:54:32

I have 4 2D numpy arrays, called a, b, c, d, each of them made of n rows and m columns. What I need to do is giving to each element of b and d a value calculated as follows (pseudo-code):

min_coords = min_of_neighbors_coords(x, y)
b[x,y] = a[x,y] * a[min_coords];
d[x,y] = c[min_coords];

Where min_of_neighbors_coords is a function that, given the coordinates of an element of the array, returns the coordinates of the 'neighbor' element that has the lower value. I.e., considering the array:

1, 2, 5
3, 7, 2
2, 3, 6

min_of_neighbors_coords(1, 1) will refer to the central element with the value of 7, and will return the tuple (0, 0): the coordinates of the number 1.

I managed to do this using for loops (element per element), but the algorithm is VERY slow and I'm searching a way to improve it, avoiding loops and demanding the calculations to numpy.

Is it possible?


EDIT I have kept my original answer at the bottom. As Paul points out in the comments, the original answer didn't really answer the OP's question, and could be more easily achieved with an ndimage filter. The following much more cumbersome function should do the right thing. It takes two arrays, a and c, and returns the windowed minimum of a and the values in c at the positions of the windowed minimums in a:

def neighbor_min(a, c):ac = np.concatenate((a[None], c[None]))rows, cols = ac.shape[1:]ret = np.empty_like(ac)# Fill in the centerwin_ac = as_strided(ac, shape=(2, rows-2, cols, 3),strides=ac.strides+ac.strides[1:2])win_ac = win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :rows-2, :cols] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]win_ac = as_strided(win_ac, shape=(2, rows-2, cols-2, 3),strides=win_ac.strides+win_ac.strides[2:3])ret[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] =  win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :rows-2, :cols-2] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]# Fill the top, bottom, left and right borderswin_ac = as_strided(ac[:, :2, :], shape=(2, 2, cols-2, 3),strides=ac.strides+ac.strides[2:3])win_ac = win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :2, :cols-2] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]ret[:, 0, 1:-1] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=0),np.ogrid[:cols-2]]win_ac = as_strided(ac[:, -2:, :], shape=(2, 2, cols-2, 3),strides=ac.strides+ac.strides[2:3])win_ac = win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :2, :cols-2] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]ret[:, -1, 1:-1] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=0),np.ogrid[:cols-2]]win_ac = as_strided(ac[:, :, :2], shape=(2, rows-2, 2, 3),strides=ac.strides+ac.strides[1:2])win_ac = win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :rows-2, :2] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]ret[:, 1:-1, 0] = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:rows-2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=1)]win_ac = as_strided(ac[:, :, -2:], shape=(2, rows-2, 2, 3),strides=ac.strides+ac.strides[1:2])win_ac = win_ac[np.ogrid[:2, :rows-2, :2] +[np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=2)]]ret[:, 1:-1, -1] = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:rows-2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=1)]# Fill the cornerswin_ac = ac[:, :2, :2]win_ac = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]ret[:, 0, 0] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]win_ac = ac[:, :2, -2:]win_ac = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]ret[:, 0, -1] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]win_ac = ac[:, -2:, -2:]win_ac = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]ret[:, -1, -1] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]win_ac = ac[:, -2:, :2]win_ac = win_ac[:, np.ogrid[:2],np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]ret[:, -1, 0] = win_ac[:, np.argmin(win_ac[0], axis=-1)]return ret

The return is a (2, rows, cols) array that can be unpacked into the two arrays:

>>> a = np.random.randint(100, size=(5,5))
>>> c = np.random.randint(100, size=(5,5))
>>> a
array([[42, 54, 18, 88, 26],[80, 65, 83, 31,  4],[51, 52, 18, 88, 52],[ 1, 70,  5,  0, 89],[47, 34, 27, 67, 68]])
>>> c
array([[94, 94, 29,  6, 76],[81, 47, 67, 21, 26],[44, 92, 20, 32, 90],[81, 25, 32, 68, 25],[49, 43, 71, 79, 77]])
>>> neighbor_min(a, c)
array([[[42, 18, 18,  4,  4],[42, 18, 18,  4,  4],[ 1,  1,  0,  0,  0],[ 1,  1,  0,  0,  0],[ 1,  1,  0,  0,  0]],[[94, 29, 29, 26, 26],[94, 29, 29, 26, 26],[81, 81, 68, 68, 68],[81, 81, 68, 68, 68],[81, 81, 68, 68, 68]]])

The OP's case could then be solved as:

def bd_from_ac(a, c):b,d = neighbor_min(a, c)return a*b, d

And while there is a serious performance hit, it is pretty fast still:

In [3]: a = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)In [4]: c = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)In [5]: %timeit bd_from_ac(a, c)
1 loops, best of 3: 570 ms per loop

You are not really using the coordinates of the minimum neighboring element for anything else than fetching it, so you may as well skip that part and create a min_neighbor function. If you don't want to resort to cython for fast looping, you are going to have to go with rolling window views, such as outlined in Paul's link. This will typically convert your (m, n) array into a (m-2, n-2, 3, 3) view of the same data, and you would then apply np.min over the last two axes.

Unfortunately you have to apply it one axis at a time, so you will have to create a (m-2, n-2, 3) copy of your data. Fortunately, you can compute the minimum in two steps, first windowing and minimizing along one axis, then along the other, and obtain the same result. So at most you are going to have intermediate storage the size of your input. If needed, you could even reuse the output array as intermediate storage and avoid memory allocations, but that is left as exercise...

The following function does that. It is kind of lengthy because it has to deal not only with the central area, but also with the special cases of the four edges and four corners. Other than that it is a pretty compact implementation:

def neighbor_min(a):rows, cols = a.shaperet = np.empty_like(a)# Fill in the centerwin_a = as_strided(a, shape=(m-2, n, 3),strides=a.strides+a.strides[:1])win_a = win_a.min(axis=2)win_a = as_strided(win_a, shape=(m-2, n-2, 3),strides=win_a.strides+win_a.strides[1:])ret[1:-1, 1:-1] = win_a.min(axis=2)# Fill the top, bottom, left and right borderswin_a = as_strided(a[:2, :], shape=(2, cols-2, 3),strides=a.strides+a.strides[1:])ret[0, 1:-1] = win_a.min(axis=2).min(axis=0)win_a = as_strided(a[-2:, :], shape=(2, cols-2, 3),strides=a.strides+a.strides[1:])ret[-1, 1:-1] = win_a.min(axis=2).min(axis=0)win_a = as_strided(a[:, :2], shape=(rows-2, 2, 3),strides=a.strides+a.strides[:1])ret[1:-1, 0] = win_a.min(axis=2).min(axis=1)win_a = as_strided(a[:, -2:], shape=(rows-2, 2, 3),strides=a.strides+a.strides[:1])ret[1:-1, -1] = win_a.min(axis=2).min(axis=1)# Fill the cornersret[0, 0] = a[:2, :2].min()ret[0, -1] = a[:2, -2:].min()ret[-1, -1] = a[-2:, -2:].min()ret[-1, 0] = a[-2:, :2].min()return ret

You can now do things like:

>>> a = np.random.randint(10, size=(5, 5))
>>> a
array([[0, 3, 1, 8, 9],[7, 2, 7, 5, 7],[4, 2, 6, 1, 9],[2, 8, 1, 2, 3],[7, 7, 6, 8, 0]])
>>> neighbor_min(a)
array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 5],[0, 0, 1, 1, 1],[2, 1, 1, 1, 1],[2, 1, 1, 0, 0],[2, 1, 1, 0, 0]])

And your original question can be solved as:

def bd_from_ac(a, c):return a*neighbor_min(a), neighbor_min(c)

As a performance benchmark:

In [2]: m, n = 1000, 1000In [3]: a = np.random.rand(m, n)In [4]: c = np.random.rand(m, n)In [5]: %timeit bd_from_ac(a, c)
1 loops, best of 3: 123 ms per loop

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