Continue if else in inline for Python

2024/9/20 17:55:10

I have not been able to find the trick to do a continue/pass on an if in a for, any ideas?. Please don't provide explicit loops as solutions, it should be everything in a one liner.

I tested the code with continue, pass and only if...

[("Hola"  if i == 1 else continue)  for i in list_num]

Output of my trials :

[("Hola"  if i == 1 else continue)  for i in list_num]^
SyntaxError: invalid syntaxFile "<stdin>", line 1[("Hola"  if i == 1 else pass)  for i in list_num]^
SyntaxError: invalid syntaxFile "<stdin>", line 1[(if i == 1: "Hola")  for i in list_num]^
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You can replace each item in list:

>>> ['hola' if i == 1 else '' for i in list_num]
['hola', '']

Or replace when a condition is met:

>>> ['hola' for i in list_num if i == 1]

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