Python adding a blank/empty column. csv

2024/9/20 7:57:18

Hello I have a database that i am trying to make a .csv file quickly from.

my data looks like this.


and this is how I need it to look.


what would be the best way to do this. thank you.


You can insert blank "columns" in a CSV file simply by writing None or an empty string ''.

For example:

with open('songs.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:writer = csv.writer(f)writer.writerow(['Song_Name', None, 'File_Name', 'Artist_Name', None, 'Artist_ID'])  # Write headers# Now you iterate over your data:for row in data:writer.writerow([row['song_name'], None, row['file_name'], ...])

Your CSV file will correctly include the extra commas as required for your blank columns, including a trailing comma if required.

If you use a DictWriter, then it's even easier. You simply don't populate the dictionary with the keys you want to leave out:

with open('songs.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:headers = ['Song_Name', None, 'File_Name', ...]writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers)writer.writeheader()# Now write a sample row:row = {'Song_Name': 'Dumb', 'Artist_Name': 'Nirvana'}writer.writerow(row)  # Automatically skips missing keys

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