How do I get my python object back from a QVariant in PyQt4?

2024/9/20 0:05:27

I am creating a subclass of QAbstractItemModel to be displayed in an QTreeView.

My index() and parent() function creates the QModelIndex using the QAbstractItemModel inherited function createIndex and providing it the row, column, and data needed. Here, for testing purposes, data is a Python string.

class TestModel(QAbstractItemModel):def __init__(self):QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self)def index(self, row, column, parent):if parent.isValid():return self.createIndex(row, column, "bar")return self.createIndex(row, column, "foo")def parent(self, index):if index.isValid():if == "bar":                          <--- NEVER TRUEreturn self.createIndex(0, 0, "foo")return QModelIndex()def rowCount(self, index):if index.isValid():if == "bar":                          <--- NEVER TRUEreturn 0return 1def columnCount(self, index):return 1def data(self, index, role):if index.isValid():return                                <--- CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITH ITreturn "<None>"

Within the index(), parent(), and data() functions I need to get my data back. It comes as a QVariant. How do I get my Python object back from the QVariant?


Have you tried this?

my_python_object = my_qvariant.toPyObject() (just for completeness, but there isn't much to see there...)

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