How to subclass requests in python through inheritance

2024/9/20 5:32:24

I would like to specialize / subclass the requests package to add some method with custom functionality.

I tried to do this:

import requestsclass concreteRequests(requests):def __init__(self):super(concreteRequests, self).__init__() self.session()def login(self):payload = {'user': 'foo', 'pass': 'bar'}self.get('loginUrl', headers=header, data=payload)# more login stuff...#
class MyClass:def __init__():self.requests = concreteRequests()self.requests.login()

This way I could still benefit from self.requests members + my concrete implementation. So I could do: self.requests.get(...) or print( and so on.

I guess that this line super(concreteRequests, self).__init__() can be stupidly useless since requests doesn't have any class declaration inside just imports...

So, the requests package can be subclassed/specialized through inheritance ?


requests is a python module not a class. You can only subclass classes.

So basically you should just leverage its methods/functions inside your own custom class.

import requestsclass MyRequests:def __init__(self, username, passwd):self.username = usernameself.passwd = passwddef get(self, *args, **kwargs):# do your thingresp = requests.get(...)# do more processing

What I wrote above is just an example to get you going.

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