Flask-Login still logged in after use logouts when using remember_me

2024/9/19 9:26:44

To logout a user in flask using Flask-login, i simply call logout_user(), but after adding some additional checks with session, after I click logout and click back to "login page" again, i'm still logged in. It happens only when I choose to "remember me"

I think I misunderstand the concept of session and logout_user() here, can anyone please clarify and help?

In my opinion, i think when I clear the session then everything inside including 'user_id', 'username' etc... will also be cleared. But somehow the 'user_id' or 'username' field still exists. I think that's what causes the problem.

My Code is below:

Logout part:

def logout():logout_user()session.clear()return redirect(url_for('users.login'))

Login Part:

@mod.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated():return redirect(url_for('users.home'))form = LoginForm(request.form)if form.validate_on_submit():user = User.query.filter_by(email=form.email.data).first()if user and check_password_hash(user.password, form.password.data):session['user_id'] = user.idsession['username'] = user.nicknamesession['remember_me'] = form.remember_me.dataremember_me = Falseif 'remember_me' in session:remember_me = session['remember_me']session.pop('remember_me', None)login_user(user, remember_me)return redirect(url_for('users.home'))return render_template("users/login.html", form=form)

For anyone still stumbling on this... The solution is to clear the remember-me cookie.

Here's an example:

@app.route('/logout', methods=['GET'])
def logout():flask_login.logout_user()session.clear()if session.get('was_once_logged_in'):del session['was_once_logged_in']# Delete rememberme cookie because logout_user does not do it for you.response = make_response(redirect(url_for('login')))response.delete_cookie('remember_token')return response

This is for when you're using the default cookie name for the remember-me cookie (remember_token.) Adapt the code with your own value if you customized the REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME setting.

My friendly advice, though, would be to just avoid Flask altogether.


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