Python TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument master

2024/9/19 9:26:41

Trying to build a GUI in Python at the moment, and I'm stuck at this part in particular. Every time I try to run my code it just throws the error TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'master'. I can't seem to find where I'm passing it more than one value, and it's got me scratching my head. I tried searching the error but the fixes other people had listed I can't see how to make them work with this one. Any guidance would be much appreciated. See code sample below:

class Plotter(tk.Canvas):"""Creates a canvas for use in a GUIPlotter() -> Canvas"""def __init__(self, master, **kwargs):super().__init__(self, master = master, **kwargs)self.bind("<Configure>", self.on_resize)self.height = self.winfo_reqheight()self.width = self.winfo_reqwidth() = 'white'self.relief = 'raised'class AnimalDataPlotApp(object):"""This is the top level class for the GUI, and is hence responsible forcreating and maintaining instances of the above glasses"""def __init__(self, master):"""Initialises the window and creates the base window for the GUI.__init__() -> None"""master.title('Animal Data Plot App')self._master = masterself._text = tk.Text(master)self._text.packmenubar = tk.Menu(master)master.config(menu = menubar)filemenu = tk.Menu(menubar) #puts filemenu into the menubarmenubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)filemenu.add_command(label = 'Open', command = self.open_file)#frame for canvasplotter_frame = tk.Frame(master, bg = 'red')plotter_frame.pack(side = tk.RIGHT, anchor = tk.NW, fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True)#frame for buttonsbutton_frame = tk.Frame(master, bg = 'yellow')button_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.NW, ipadx=50, fill = tk.X)#Label on the top leftleft_label = tk.Label(button_frame, text='Animal Data Sets', bg='orange')left_label.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.N, fill=tk.X)#second frame, for selection listselection_frame = tk.Frame(master, bg = 'blue')selection_frame.pack(side = tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.NW, fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True)#draw buttons in frameselect = tk.Button(button_frame, text ='Select')select.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.N)deselect = tk.Button(button_frame, text='Deselect')deselect.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.N)self.selectionbox = SelectionBox(selection_frame)self.selectionbox.pack(side = tk.TOP, expand = True, fill=tk.BOTH)#self._selectionbox.show_animals(self._data)self.plotter = Plotter(plotter_frame)self.plotter.pack(side = tk.TOP, expand = True, fill=tk.BOTH)
super().__init__(self, master = master, **kwargs)

If you're using super(), you don't need to specify self explicitly.

You are getting that error because self is being interpreted as the argument for master. So it's like if you were calling __init__(master=self, master=master, **kwargs).

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