How do I display add model in tabular format in the Django admin?

2024/9/17 3:57:43

I'm just starting out with Django writing my first app - a chore chart manager for my family. In the tutorial it shows you how to add related objects in a tabular form. I don't care about the related objects, I just want to add the regular object in a tabular form. This is what I have in my

from chores.models import Chore
from django.contrib import adminclass ChoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):fieldsets = [ (None,              {'fields': ['description', 'frequency', 'person']})], ChoreAdmin)

and I want when I click "add chore" that rather than seeing:

Description: _____
Frequency: ______
Person: _____

I want it to show:

Description: __________ | Frequency: _______ | Person: _____

Is this trivial to do, or would it take a lot of custom effort? And if it is easy, how do I do it?



OP is probably all set, but for new users reading this, refer to:

Basically following part in above link:

The field_options dictionary can have the following keys:

fields: A tuple of field names to display in this fieldset. This key is required.


'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'address', 'city', 'state'),

Just like with the fields option, to display multiple fields on the same line, wrap those fields in their own tuple. In this example, the first_name and last_name fields will display on the same line:

'fields': (('first_name', 'last_name'), 'address', 'city', 'state'),

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