Mako escaping issue within Pyramid

2024/9/8 10:20:26

I need to put javascript function to mako template. The first argument of this function is string, so I write in my *.mako file (dict(field_name='geom')):


But when I see my html page it loks like:


How I can disable escaping in this case?

Rendering performs the following way:

from pyramid.renderers import render
render('georenderer/map.mako', template_args)

You'll need to include the quotes in your expression I think. You can use the json module to output valid JavaScript literals:


and in your template:

init_map(${field_name | n}

The quotes are then generated by the .dumps() function, and the | n filter ensures they are not escaped; you've already made your values JavaScript safe, you don't need them HTML-safe either.

The added advantage is that the module will escape any quotes in your JavaScript values as well, and handle unicode properly:

>>> import json
>>> print json.dumps(u'Quotes and unicode: " \u00d8')
"Quotes and unicode: \" \u00d8"

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