Nesting descriptors/decorators in python

2024/9/16 23:21:07

I'm having a hard time understanding what happens when I try to nest descriptors/decorators. I'm using python 2.7.

For example, let's take the following simplified versions of property and classmethod:

class MyProperty(object):def __init__(self, fget):self.fget = fgetdef __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):print 'IN MyProperty.__get__'return self.fget(obj)class MyClassMethod(object):def __init__(self, f):self.f = fdef __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):print 'IN MyClassMethod.__get__'def f(*args, **kwargs):return self.f(objtype, *args, **kwargs)return f

Trying to nest them:

class A(object):# doesn't work:@MyProperty@MyClassMethoddef klsproperty(cls):return 555# works:@MyPropertydef prop(self):return 111# works:@MyClassMethoddef klsmethod(cls, x):return x**2% print A.klsproperty
IN MyProperty.__get__
TypeError: 'MyClassMethod' object is not callable

The __get__ method of the inner descriptor MyClassMethod is not getting called. Failing to figure out why, I tried throwing in (what I think is) a no-op descriptor:

class NoopDescriptor(object):def __init__(self, f):self.f = fdef __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):print 'IN NoopDescriptor.__get__'return self.f.__get__(obj, objtype=objtype)

Trying to use the no-op descriptor/decorator in nesting:

class B(object):# works:@NoopDescriptor@MyPropertydef prop1(self):return 888# doesn't work:@MyProperty@NoopDescriptordef prop2(self):return 999% print B().prop1
IN NoopDescriptor.__get__
IN MyProperty.__get__
% print B().prop2
IN MyProperty.__get__
TypeError: 'NoopDescriptor' object is not callable

I don't understand why B().prop1 works and B().prop2 does not.


  1. What am I doing wrong? Why am I getting a object is not callable error?
  2. What's the right way? e.g. what is the best way to define MyClassProperty while re-using MyClassMethod and MyProperty (or classmethod and property)

In this case, when the decorators are used without parameters, a decorator is called with the function it decorates as its parameter. The decorator's return value is used instead of the decorated function. So:

def prop(self):...

is equivalent to:

def prop(self):...
prop = MyProperty(prop)

Since MyProperty implements the descriptor protocol, accessing A.prop will actually call A.prop.__get__(), and you've defined __get__ to call the object which was decorated (in this case, the original function/method), so everything works fine.

Now, in the nested case:

def prop(self):...

The equivalent is:

def prop(self):...
prop = MyClassMethod(prop)   # prop is now instance of MyClassMethod
prop = MyProperty(prop)      # prop is now instance of MyProperty# (with fget == MyClassMethod instance)

Now, as before, accessing A.prop will actually call A.prop.__get__() (in MyProperty) which then tries to call the instance of MyClassMethod (the object which was decorated and stored in the fget attribute).

But the MyClassMethod does not have a __call__ method defined, so you get the error MyClassMethod is not callable.

And to address your second question: A property is already a class attribute - in your example, accessing A.prop will return the value of the property in the class object and A().prop will return the value of the property in an instance object (which can be the same as the class object if the instance did not override it).

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