Selenium/ChromeDriver Unknown policy Errors

2024/9/8 10:35:44

I am currently using Python (v3.5.1), Selenium (v3.7), and Chromedriver (v2.33).

When I run the following command:

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome('C:\Program Files\ChromeWebdriver\chromedriver.exe')

I get the following messages:

[2440:4356:1115/] Unknown policy: PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords
[2440:4356:1115/] Unknown policy: SkipMetadataCheck
[2440:4356:1115/] Unknown policy: PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords
[2440:4356:1115/] Unknown policy: SkipMetadataCheck

The rest of my script works otherwise, but I would like to understand what is causing these errors so that I can make them go away or at least explain why they don't matter to the rest of my team.


try this package. it will automatically take chromedriver according to your current browser. Also, update you current google chrome browser if possible. you can install this package by pip.

pip install chromedriver-autoinstaller

try this code:

from selenium import webdriver
import chromedriver_autoinstallerchromedriver_autoinstaller.install()driver = webdriver.Chrome()

Also, check the documentation if you needed:

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