Python, thread and gobject

2024/10/18 13:31:04

I am writing a program by a framework using pygtk. The main program doing the following things:

  1. Create a watchdog thread to monitor some resource
  2. Create a client to receive data from socket
  3. call gobject.Mainloop()

but it seems after my program enter the Mainloop, the watchdog thread also won't run.

My workaround is to use gobject.timeout_add to run the monitor thing.

But why does creating another thread not work?

Here is my code:

import gobject
import time
from threading import Threadclass MonitorThread(Thread):def __init__(self):Thread.__init__(self)def run(self):print "Watchdog running..."time.sleep(10)def main():mainloop = gobject.MainLoop(is_running=True)def quit():mainloop.quit()def sigterm_cb():gobject.idle_add(quit)t = MonitorThread()t.start()print "Enter mainloop..."while mainloop.is_running() KeyboardInterrupt:quit()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

The program output only "Watchdog running...Enter mainloop..", then nothing. Seems thread never run after entering mainloop.


Can you post some code? It could be that you have problems with the Global Interpreter Lock.

Your problem solved by someone else :). I could copy-paste the article here, but in short gtk's c-threads clash with Python threads. You need to disable c-threads by calling gobject.threads_init() and all should be fine.

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