POST method to upload file with json object in python flask app

2024/9/8 8:35:29

I am stuck in a problem where I am trying to build single API which will upload file along with json object. I need this API to create webhook.

Using multi part, I am able to upload file and in option filed I am able to send json object.

In flask app when I am trying to retrieve json object its converting as blob type. I tried to convert it base64 then again converting into string but whole process is not working.

Let me know if anyone has good solution I can combine file and json object together and fetch it by flask python app.

zz is the variable in my code where I am trying to store my json object. name is the field where I am passing my json object with file.

Thanks in advance.

My current code

app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER@app.route('/upload/',methods = ['POST'])
def upload():customer_name='abc'if request.method == 'POST':zz=base64.b64encode(request.files['name'].read())try:file = request.files['file']if file:file.filename=customer_name+'_'+str('.'+file.filename.split('.')[-1]filename = secure_filename(file.filename)path=os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) jsonify({'status':success,'junk_data':[],'message':error})except Exception as err:logger.error(str(' '+str(err))return jsonify({'status':False,'junk_data':[],'message':str(err)})
if __name__ == '__main__''localhost',debug=True, use_reloader=True,port=5000)

I have got the answer after lot R&D.

request format

//user any client-sidecontent-type:multipart/form-datafile: file need to upload data: {"name":"abc","new_val":1}

python code to fetch from request object

file = request.files['file']

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