asyncio - how many coroutines?

2024/9/8 9:04:13

I have been struggling for a few days now with a python application where I am expecting to look for a file or files in a folder and iterate through the each file and each record in it and create objects to be persisted on a Janusgraph database. The particular OGM that I am using, requires that the transactions with the database are done in an asynchronously using asyncio. I have read a lot of blogs, posts about asyncio and I think I understand the concept of async, await, tasks, etc... In my application I have defined several functions that handle different parts of the processing:

  • Retrieves the list of all files available
  • Select one file for processing
  • Iterates through the selected file and reads a line/record for processing
  • Receives the record, determines parses the from in and calls several other functions that are responsible for creating the Model objects before they are persisted to the database. For instance, I different functions that creates: User, Session, Browser, DeviceUsed, Server, etc...

I understand (and I may be wrong) that the big advantage of using asyncio is for situations where the call to a function will block usually for I/O, database transaction, network latency, etc...

So my question is if I need to convert all my functions into coroutines and schedule to run through the event loop, or just the ones that would block, like committing transaction to the database. I tried this approach to begin with and had all sorts of problems.


So my question is if I need to convert all my functions into coroutines and schedule to run through the event loop, or just the ones that would block,

You might need to convert most of them, but the conversion should be largely mechanical, boiling down to changing def to async def, and adding await when calling other coroutines.

Obviously, you cannot avoid converting the ones that actually block, either by switching to the appropriate asyncio API or by using loop.run_in_executor() for those that don't have one. (DNS resolution used to be an outstanding example of the latter.)

But then you also need to convert their callers, because calling a coroutine from a blocking function is not useful unless the function implements event-loop-like functionality. On the other hand, when a coroutine is called from another coroutine, everything works because suspends are automatically propagated to the top of the chain. Once the whole call chain consists of coroutines, the top-level ones are fed to the event loop using loop.create_task() or loop.run_until_complete().

Of course, convenience functions that neither block nor call blocking functions can safely remain non-async, and are invoked by either sync or async code without any difference.

The above applies to asyncio, which implements stackless coroutines. A different approach is used by greenlet, whose tasks encapsulate the call stack, which allows them to be switched at arbitrary places in code that uses normal function calls. Greenlets are a bit more heavyweight and less portable than coroutines, though, so I'd first converting to asyncio.

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