Pandas Flatten a list of list within a column?

2024/7/27 16:58:52

I am trying to flatten a column which is a list of lists:

    var         var2
0   9122532.0   [[458182615.0], [79834910.0]]
1   79834910.0  [[458182615.0], [9122532.0]]
2   458182615.0 [[79834910.0], [9122532.0]]

I want:

    var         var2
0   9122532.0   [458182615.0, 79834910.0]
1   79834910.0  [458182615.0, 9122532.0]
2   458182615.0 [79834910.0, 9122532.0]


sample8['var2'] = sample8['var2'].apply(chain.from_iterable).apply(list)

Gives me:

    var1        var2
0   9122532.0   [[, 4, 5, 8, 1, 8, 2, 6, 1, 5, ., 0, ], [, 7, ...
1   79834910.0  [[, 4, 5, 8, 1, 8, 2, 6, 1, 5, ., 0, ], [, 9, ...
2   458182615.0 [[, 7, 9, 8, 3, 4, 9, 1, 0, ., 0, ], [, 9, 1, ...


In [162]: df
Out[162]:var                           var2
0    9122532.0  [[458182615.0], [79834910.0]]
1   79834910.0   [[458182615.0], [9122532.0]]
2  458182615.0    [[79834910.0], [9122532.0]]

Solution: use np.ravel():

In [163]: df['var2'] = df['var2'].apply(np.ravel)In [164]: df
Out[164]:var                       var2
0    9122532.0  [458182615.0, 79834910.0]
1   79834910.0   [458182615.0, 9122532.0]
2  458182615.0    [79834910.0, 9122532.0]

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