Any python module for customized BNF parser?

2024/10/11 18:25:37


I have a 'make'-like style file needed to be parsed. The grammar is something like:

picard=/path/to/picardtask1: des: descriptionpath: /path/to/task1para: [$global.samtools,$args.input,$path]task2: task1

Where $global contains the variables defined in a global scope. $path is a 'local' variable. $args contains the key/pair values passed in by users.

I would like to parse this file by some python libraries. Better to return some parse tree. If there are some errors, better to report them. I found this one: CodeTalker and yeanpypa. Can they be used in this case? Any other recommendations?


I had to guess what your makefile structure allows based on your example, but this should get you close:

from pyparsing import *
# elements of the makefile are delimited by line, so we must
# define skippable whitespace to include just spaces and tabs
ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
NL = LineEnd().suppress()EQ,COLON,LBRACK,RBRACK = map(Suppress, "=:[]")
identifier = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums)symbol_assignment = Group(identifier("name") + EQ + empty + restOfLine("value"))("symbol_assignment")
symbol_ref = Word("$",alphanums+"_.")def only_column_one(s,l,t):if col(l,s) != 1:raise ParseException(s,l,"not in column 1")
# task identifiers have to start in column 1
task_identifier = identifier.copy().setParseAction(only_column_one)task_description = "des:" + empty + restOfLine("des")
task_path = "path:" + empty + restOfLine("path")
task_para_body = delimitedList(symbol_ref)
task_para = "para:" + LBRACK + task_para_body("para") + RBRACK
task_definition = Group(task_identifier("target") + COLON + Optional(delimitedList(identifier))("deps") + NL +(Optional(task_description + NL) & Optional(task_path + NL) & Optional(task_para + NL)))("task_definition")makefile_parser = ZeroOrMore(symbol_assignment |task_definition |NL)if __name__ == "__main__":test = """\
picard=/path/to/picardtask1:  des: description path: /path/to/task1 para: [$global.samtools, $args.input, $path ] task2: task1 
"""# dump out what we parsed, including results names
for element in makefile_parser.parseString(test):print element.getName()print element.dump()print


['samtools', '/path/to/samtools']
- name: samtools
- value: /path/to/samtoolssymbol_assignment
['picard', '/path/to/picard']
- name: picard
- value: /path/to/picardtask_definition
['task1', 'des:', 'description ', 'path:', '/path/to/task1 ', 'para:', '$global.samtools', '$args.input', '$path']
- des: description 
- para: ['$global.samtools', '$args.input', '$path']
- path: /path/to/task1 
- target: task1task_definition
['task2', 'task1']
- deps: ['task1']
- target: task2

The dump() output shows you what names you can use to get at the fields within the parsed elements, or to distinguish what kind of element you have. dump() is a handy, generic tool to output whatever pyparsing has parsed. Here is some code that is more specific to your particular parser, showing how to use the field names as either dotted object references (, element.deps,, etc.) or dict-style references (element[key]):

for element in makefile_parser.parseString(test):if element.getName() == 'task_definition':print "TASK:",,if element.deps:print "DEPS:(" + ','.join(element.deps) + ")"else:printfor key in ('des', 'path', 'para'):if key in element:print " ", key.upper()+":", element[key]elif element.getName() == 'symbol_assignment':print "SYM:",, "->", element.value


SYM: samtools -> /path/to/samtools
SYM: picard -> /path/to/picard
TASK: task1DES: description PATH: /path/to/task1 PARA: ['$global.samtools', '$args.input', '$path']
TASK: task2 DEPS:(task1)

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