Sorting characters by count using PHP or Python

2024/10/9 0:49:58

I have a string of characters


I want to take this string of characters and sort them by the number of times they appear in a large block of characters. For example:


I also want to drop any characters after and including the underscores once I have these sorted.

Is recursion the right idea I need to look at here?


Example of what may be output:


Basically the characters will simply be sorted based on their frequency in a single line.

<?php$text = 'ahugechunkofatext';
$charCounts = count_chars($text, 1);
arsort($charCounts);$chars = array_map('chr', array_keys($charCounts));
$chars = array_filter($chars, function ($char) {return !in_array($char, ['_']); // A list of chars that you don't want
});echo implode('', $chars) . PHP_EOL;

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