This is the start of an RPG I am going to make, and It runs smoothly until I try to change the gender by saying yes or any other of the answers that activate the if statement. Is there something I am forgetting? P.S. Sorry about this. I am an amateur.
import random
import time
def Intro():print('Hit enter to begin.')input()print('Please choose a name for your character.')PlayerName=input()def KeepName():print('You have chosen "' + PlayerName + '" as your character\'s name.') print('Do you wish to keep this as your name? (yes or no)')return input().lower().startswith('n')while KeepName():print('Please choose a name for your character.')PlayerName=input()planet = 'Sykahrox VII' #Useless as of this point but I kept it in so I can remember the name of the planet.def gender():print('Do you want to be Male, or Female?')choice = input().lower()if choice in ('m', 'male', 'boy', 'guy', 'dude'):return 'Male'if choice in ('f', 'female', 'girl', 'woman'):return 'Female'ChangeGen = 'y'while ChangeGen in ('y', 'yes', 'yeah', 'yup'):genderchoice = gender()print ('You have chosen ' + genderchoice + ' as your gender. Do you wish to change this?')ChangeGen = input().lowerif ChangeGen in ('y', 'yes', 'yeah', 'yup'):gender()Intro()