Function to create nested dictionary from lists [closed]

2024/10/6 8:27:38

I am tasked with the following question, but cannot come up with the right code:

This exercise involves building a non-trivial dictionary.The subject is books.

The key for each book is its title The value associated with that key is a dictionary

In that dictionary there will be Three keys: They are all strings, they are: "Pages", "Author", "Publisher"

"Pages" is associated with one value - an int "Author" is associated with a dictionary as value That "Author" dictionary has two keys: "First", and "Last" each with a string value "Publisher" is associated with a dictionary as value That "Publisher" dict has one key "Location" with a string as value.

An Example might look like:

{"Harry Potter": {"Pages":200, "Author":{"First":"J.K", "Last":"Rowling"}, "Publisher":{"Location":"NYC"}},
"Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas": { ...}}

Code a function called "build_book_dict" ACCEPT five inputs, all lists of n-length A list of titles, pages, first, last, and location.

RETURN a dictionary as described above. Keys must be spelled just as they appear above - correctly and capitalized.

Here is an example:

titles = ["Harry Potter", "Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas"]
pages = [200, 350]
firsts = ["J.K.", "Hunter"]
lasts = ["Rowling", "Thompson"]
locations = ["NYC", "Aspen"]book_dict = build_book_dict(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations)

{'Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas': {'Publisher': {'Location': 'Aspen'}, 'Author': {'Last': 'Thompson', 'First': 'Hunter'}, 'Pages': 350} 'Harry Potter': {'Publisher': {'Location': 'NYC'},'Author': {'Last': 'Rowling', 'First': 'J.K.'}, 'Pages': 200}}

My code currently looks the following:

def build_book_dict(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations):inputs = zip(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations)for titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations in inputs:dict = {titles : {"Pages" : pages,"Author" : {"First" : first,"Last" : last},"Publisher" : {"Location" : locations},},}return dict

But it only stores the information of the last "book".


Use this function, the main change is that I add a d.update:

def build_book_dict(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations):inputs = zip(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations)d = {}for titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations in inputs:d.update({titles : {"Pages" : pages,"Author" : {"First" : firsts,"Last" : lasts},"Publisher" : {"Location" : locations},},})return d

And now:

print(build_book_dict(titles, pages, firsts, lasts, locations))


{'Harry Potter': {'Pages': 200, 'Author': {'First': 'J.K.', 'Last': 'Rowling'}, 'Publisher': {'Location': 'NYC'}}, 'Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas': {'Pages': 350, 'Author': {'First': 'Hunter', 'Last': 'Thompson'}, 'Publisher': {'Location': 'Aspen'}}}

Your code doesn't work because you're creating a new dictionary every time, not adding the dictionaries together, however d.update overcomes this issue.

Additionally, I rename the variable dict to d, since dict is a default keyword, whereas when you name a variable of dict, you're not able to access the actual dict keyword with that.

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