how to make a unique data from strings

2024/10/5 20:41:52

I have a data like this . the strings are separated by comma.

"India1,India2,myIndia     "
"Where,Here,Here   "

What I am trying to do is to put them all in one column (one under each other) So it will become like this


Then I keep the unique ones which lead to this


So I have the first data in a .txtformat and I have tried to use numpyfor this

This is my code

import numpy as np# give a name to my data 
file_name = 'path to my data/test.txt'
# set my output 
with open ( 'output.txt' , 'w' ) as out:# read all the linesfor n , line in enumerate ( open ( file_name ).readlines ( ) ):# split each stirg from another one by a commaitem1 = file_name.split ( ',' )myList = ','.join ( map ( str , item1 ) )item2 = np.unique ( myList , return_inverse=True )# save the data into outout.write ( item2 )

I was getting TypeError: expected a character buffer object

I have searched it and I found several post like TypeError: expected a character buffer object - while trying to save integer to textfile

and If I added ( 0 ) I still got the same error

but by changing it to out.write ( str(item2 )) thanks to TypeError: expected a character buffer object I get no error however, the output is showing this

(array(['/path to the file/test.txt'], dtype='|S29'), array([0]))

Below is given a soltuion which I tried to use

import csvdata = []
def remove_quotes(file):for line in file:yield line.strip ( '"\n' )
with open ( 'test.txt' ) as f:reader = csv.reader ( remove_quotes ( f ) )for row in reader:data.extend ( row )

No error but also data is not generated


stack.txt below contains this:


Here you go:

from collections import OrderedDictwith open("stack.txt", "r") as f:# read your data in from the gist site and strip off any new-line charactersdata = [eval(line.strip()) for line in f.readlines()]# get individual words into a listindividual_elements = [word for row in data for word in row.split(",")]# remove duplicates and preserve orderuniques = OrderedDict.fromkeys(individual_elements)   # convert from OrderedDict object to plain listfinal = [word for word in uniques]print(final)

Which yields this:

['India1', 'India2', 'myIndia', 'Where', 'Here', 'India', 'uyete', 'AFD', 'TTT']

Edit: To get your desired output, just print the list in the format you want:


Which is equivalent, from an output standpoint, to this:

for x in final:print(x)

Which yields this:


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