Triangle of T in Python

2024/9/22 1:21:17

EDIT ** I can't multiply strings by an integer. Its for a homework and those were the instructions **

I need to do a triangle in python using for loops or while loops(mandatory). The final output should look like this.


I already figure the firs part, that prints from the first line to the middle line, but i cant figure how to reverse my function.

def triangle(base):for length in range(base+1):for b in range(length):print("T",end="")print() 

What I tried to do was sustracting length like this.

def triangle(base):
for length in range(base+1):for b in range(length):print("T",end="")print()
for length in range(base):for b in range(length-1):print("T",end="")

But only print this and I cant find the way to keep printing the "T" until it gets done:


try the following

def triangle(base):for i in range(1,base+1):print(''.join('T' for o in range(i)))for i in reversed(range(1,base)  # note the lack of the +1 on baseprint(''.join('T' for o in range(i)))


from shapes import triangle

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