How to remove WindowsPath and parantheses from a string [duplicate]

2024/10/5 14:59:11

I need to remove WindowsPath( and some of the closing parentheses ) from a directory string.

x= (WindowsPath('D:/test/1_birds_bp.png'),WindowsPath('D:/test/1_eagle_mp.png'))

What I need to have is

x= ('D:/test/1_birds_bp.png', 'D:/test/1_eagle_mp.png')

I don't know how to do multiple strings at once.

by following @MonkeyZeus I tried;

y = [re.sub("(?<=WindowsPath\(').*?(?='\))",'',a) for  a in x]

TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object


You can easily target the paths with:

  • (?<=WindowsPath\(') - left side needs to literally be WindowsPath('
  • .*? - lazily capture everything until we hit the positive lookahead
  • (?='\)) - positive lookahead for literally ')

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