Text processing to find co-occurences of strings

2024/10/5 7:54:48

I need to process a series of space separated strings i.e. text sentences. ‘Co-occurrence’ is when two tags (or words) appear on the same sentence. I need to list all the co-occurring words when they appear together on at least two lines (two sentences). The list has to be ordered and spaced.

Example of input:

tag1 tag2

tag1 tag3

tag2 tag4 tag3

tag2 tag3

The output should be:

tag2 tag3

I can’t assume that the input will fit in memory. What I know is there are not going to be more that 10,000 tags. My problem is the brute force of reading the whole input and creating a matrix of all the words and ticking it out when a co-occurrence appears will not work.

There must be an algorithm or methodology that I've not found. I'd appreciate tips/links or references to an algo or function that might be of use. I understand c, c++, MATLAB, python


Somewhat cumbersome:

import re
tags = list(set(input_string.split()))
tag_length = len(tags)
for i in xrange(tag_length - 1):for j in xrange(tag_length - 2 - i):tag1, tag2 = tags[i], tags[i + j + 1]matches = re.findall(r'\b{0}\b.+\b{1}\b'.format(tag1, tag2), input_string)if len(matches) > 1:print tag1, tag2

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