Python URL Stepping Returns Only First Page Results

2024/10/5 16:21:08

Any help with the below code would be appreciated. I have checked the results of h and g using print to verify that they are incrementing the url properly, but the program seems to be only repeating the results from first page. Hope this makes sense and I have provided enough info. I know this code looks terrible.

edit** I am testing the code as I go in the Python2.7 shell. I have it print the link results to make sure they are working correctly, but it just repeats pg1.

Update** The problem with the code was due to the website using json to get pages. Python Link to File Iterator not Iterating

g = ''
b = ''
PageCount = 1while PageCount < 3:h = g + str(PageCount)c = b + str(PageCount)f = urllib2.urlopen(h)# variable a is for the second function that opens links for webpages# meeting criteria from variable fa = urllib2.urlopen(c)# res variable captures lines for items meeting criteria to be opened in a webpageres = []PageCount += 1        #check function checks for criteria current webpagecheck()#ReturnLine function opens webpages using data from variable resReturnLine()

I derived a minimal working example (no lengthy code possible in comment section..)

g = ''
PageCount = 1while PageCount < 3:h = g + str(PageCount)print hPageCount += 1

which is working just fine. The output is

Is this what you get? If so, try calling urllib2.urlopen([URL]) with a fixed url to check proper function in a separate minimal working example and go from there. Otherwise I see no error (or sources of error) that may cause such a behaviour.

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