How to deal with large json files (flattening it to tsv) [closed]

2024/10/5 14:52:58

I am working with a large JSON file specifically the persona dataset (download here)

Each entry in Persona-Chat is a dict with two keys personality and utterances, and the dataset is a list of entries.

personality: list of strings containing the personality of the agent
utterances: list of dictionaries, each of which has two keys which are lists of strings.
candidates: [next_utterance_candidate_1, ..., next_utterance_candidate_19]
The last candidate is the ground truth response observed in the conversational data
history: [dialog_turn_0, ... dialog_turn N], where N is an odd number since the other user starts every conversation.

What I am trying to achieve is to flatten it and convert it to tsv in the following format:

 col_index, string (where  string is the personality, candidates and history

But Whenever I try to load it and convert it to dataframes

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json(r'path')

I get the following error:

ValueError: arrays must all be same length

Any help is appreciated whether articles or other libs/frameworks and approaches, even breadcrumbs!

Edit: I am feeding it to another api which require tsv, I am thinking of a way to concatenate and preserve the structure to re-structure it again.


To fully flatten that file, you'd need something like

import jsondef read_personachat_file(name="personachat_self_original.json"):with open(name, "r") as f:data = json.load(f)for entry_type, chats in data.items():for chat_id, chat in enumerate(chats):personality = "|".join(chat["personality"])for utt_id, utt in enumerate(chat["utterances"]):for key in ("candidates", "history"):for phrase_id, phrase in enumerate(utt[key]):yield (entry_type, chat_id, personality, utt_id, key, phrase_id, phrase)for entry in read_personachat_file():print(entry)

The output will be something like

('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 7, 'my sister will be my mom , she wants me to get married')
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 8, 'hi , how are ya ?')
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 9, 'sounds good . i am just sitting here with my dog . i love animals .')
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 10, "sure i'll go with you but i am baking a pizza right now , my favorite . come eat .")
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 11, 'where do you work then soccer person ?')
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 12, 'it is so pretty in the fall and winter , my favorite time to go')
('train', 313, 'i like to wear red .|i wear a red purse .|i like to wear red shoes also .|i use red lipstick .|i drive a red car .', 5, 'candidates', 13, 'i to travel and meet new people')

(whether or not that's useful for you).

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