ValueError: Too many values to unpack

2024/9/20 10:26:44

Task is to find,sort,and remove the student with 'type': "homework" and with the lowest score using MongoDB. I also tried to use toArray() function,but it gave an error. Now I try to move on in document as a number of counter and to remove the last sorted document with the lowest score.

import pymongo 
import sys       #establish a connection to the database
connection = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost")def delete_lowest_doc():#get a handle to the students databasedb=connection.studentsgrades = db.gradestry:for i in range(0,grades.find().count()):docs_1 = grades.find({'type':"homework", 'student_id':i}).sort(['score',-1])counter_1 = grades.find({'type':"homework",'student_id':i})counter_2 = counter_1.sort(['score',-1]).count() while (counter_2>0):doc =;counter_2=counter_2-1;grades.remove(doc)except Exception as e:print ("Unexpected error:", type(e), e)delete_lowest_doc()

collection.find only takes one positional argument and you're giving it two.

Change your calls so that they look like the following: grades.find({"type": "homework", "student_id": i}).

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