Display and play audio files

2024/9/20 8:01:35

I am new to python, and I'm trying to build a simple recording program. With the some help from my previous question, I was able to add a timestamp for each recorded file


I did some research and decided on displaying the files with filechooser... this still does not work

def openfiles(self, *args):satter2 = BoxLayout(pos= (629, 950), size_hint= (.1,.1))self.fclv = FileChooserListView(path= '/sdcard/', filters= [‘*.3gp’])self.fclv.bind(on_selection= self.pressed(fclv.selection)scatter.add_widget(self.fclv)self.add_widget(satter2)def pressed(self, filename):#with open(os.path.join(path, filename[0])) if self.soundf is None:self.soundf = SoundLoader.load(self.path)if self.soundf.status != 'stop':self.soundf.stop()self.soundf.loop = Falseself.soundf.play()

Here is a simple example of how to show all 3gp files in your current directory.

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.filechooser import FileChooserListView
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayoutclass MyLayout(BoxLayout):def __init__(self,**kwargs):super(MyLayout,self).__init__(**kwargs)self.fclv = FileChooserListView(path= '.', filters= ['*.3gp'])self.add_widget(self.fclv)class MyApp(App):def build(self):return MyLayout()MyApp().run()

Result is:

Files in a ListView


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