square root without pre-defined function in python

2024/7/6 22:09:05

How can one find the square root of a number without using any pre-defined functions in python?

I need the main logic of how a square root of a program works. In general math we will do it using HCF but in programing, I am not able to find the logic.


There is a famous mathematical method called Newton–Raphson method for finding successively better approximations to the roots.

Basically , this method takes initial value and then in successful iterations converges to the solution.You can read more about it here.

Sample code is attached here for your reference.

def squareRoot(n):x=ny=1.000000 #iteration initialisation.e=0.000001 #accuracy after decimal place.while x-y > e:x=(x+y)/2y=n/xprint xn = input('enter the number : ') 

Here you can increase the accuracy of square root result by adding '0' digits in e and y after decimal place.

Also there are other methods like binary search for finding square roots like shown here.


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