How can I kill the explorer.exe process?

2024/10/5 20:00:24

I'm writing a script which is meant to kill explorer.exe. I searched a bit about it and the best answer I've seen uses the taskkill command. I tried it, but when I run it on my computer it says it worked but it doesn't actually kill it.

import os, sockets = socket.socket()
host = socket.gethostname()try:s.bind((host, 75))
except socket.error:print 'Error: Premission denied, please run as admin'exit()s.listen(5)while True:print '[*] Deploying Server on: ' + hostprint '[*] Scanning..'c, addr = s.accept()print '[*] Connection established from ' + str(addr)while True:try:os.system("taskkill /im explorer.exe")cmd = raw_input()if cmd == 'exit':print '[!] Exiting'c.send('exit')s.close()exit()c.send(cmd)except KeyboardInterrupt:print '[!] Exiting'c.send('exit')s.close()exit()

the payload:

import os
import socket
import platformprint 'Starting'
system = platform.system()
windows = ['Microsoft', 'Windows']
s = socket.socket()
host = socket.gethostname()
print host
print platform.system()
try:s.connect((host, 75))
except socket.error:s.close()s.connect((host, 75))
while True:cmd = s.recv(1024)if cmd == 'exit':s.close()exit()os.system("taskkill /im explorer.exe")print(os.system("taskkill /im explorer.exe"))

I suggest using os.kill() instead. It is much clearer and returns a clearer value. You can do something like this:

import wmifor process in wim.WMI().Win32_Process ():if process.Name == 'explorer.exe':os.kill(process.ProcessId)

Note that it matters which version of Python you're running (

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