How to change values in numpy array

2024/7/7 6:00:51
import numpy as np

I want to update the numbers in "a" which are bigger than the numbers in "b" to np.nan. If they are smaller or equal i don't want it to be changed. I want to compare the first row of "a" to the first scalar of "b" and the second row of "a" to the second scalar of "b".


a = array([[4, 2, 6],[3, 6, 5]])

the updated value should be:

array([[nan, 2, nan],[3, nan, 5]])

I've tried this:

for i in range(2):a[i]=np.where(a[i]<=b[i],a[i],np.nan)

But it doesn't work. HELP ME PLEASE!!


You can write so:

import numpy as np
b=np.array([3,5])# shape in compared axis must be the same or one of their length must be equal 1
# in this case their shape is b(2,1) and a(2,3)a = np.where(a <= b.reshape(b.shape[0],1), a, np.nan)

but in more difficult cases I'm not sure, that it will work

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