Get Pairs of List Python [duplicate]

2024/7/7 6:05:22
c = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]for a,b in func(c):doSomething()

So func() have to return (1,2) (2,3) (3,4) ... (8,9) (9,10)

Is there a elegant method in python 2.7 to achieve this?


Sure, there are many ways. Simplest:

def func(alist):return zip(alist, alist[1:])

This spends a lot of memory in Python 2, since zip makes an actual list and so does the slicing. There are several alternatives focused on generators that offer memory savings, such as a very simple:

def func(alist):it = iter(alist)old = next(it, None)for new in it:yield old, newold = new

Or you can get fancier deploying the powerful itertools instead, as in the pairwise recipe proposed by @HughBothwell .

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