Python Indentation Error [closed]

2024/7/7 6:52:32

the following code is returning some strange indentation error inside a for statement. The console is pointing the error at a list.append() method. It should be a silly misstake onetime I am new at Python. heh

import os
import sys
import re
import globfrom Text import Text
from Word import Word
from FileCategory import FileCategoryclass FileIO(object):def loadFile(self, filePath):newText = Text(os.path.basename(filePath))words=[]with open(filePath) as buff:content ="[^\w\s]", "", content)re.sub("[0-9]", "", content)words = content.Split(' ')for word in words:wordFound = next(auxWord for auxWord in newText.words if auxWord.textWord == word) if wordFound is None:newWord = Word(word, 1)newText.words.append(newWord)else:wordFound.countInText+=1return newTextdef loadFilesFromDirectory(self, path):newCategory = FileCategory()files=[]os.chdir(path)for file in glob.glob("*.txt"): files.append(file)for filePath in files:newFile = loadFile(filePath)if newFile is not None:newCategory.files.append(newFile)return newCategory


Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 6, in <module>from FileIO import FileIOFile "/home/adolfosrs/Dropbox/7º Semestre/IA/T2/pyAprendizadMaq/", line 38files.append(file)^
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Any Idea?


The problem arises from the fact that python doesn't like it when you mix tabs and spaces for indentation. Python relies on whitespace a LOT to figure out the levels of indentation, and hence scope.

As a result, when you have a line that has two TABs on it, followed by a line with 4 SPACEs and a TAB, python proceeds to freak out and tell you that your indentation is off.

TL;DR: don't mix tabs and spaces. Stick to one or the other, and you should be fine.

Fun aside: if you really /really/ REALLY wanted to ignore this tip and try to mix the two, I believe TABs are considered to be the equivalent of 8 SPACEs. So you could in theory do some indentation math there, to figure out how much to indent each line by, with a mix of the two. But this is HIGHLY unrecommended, and I'm probably going to burn in hell just for saying it

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