Python date function bugs

2024/7/7 6:45:07

I am trying to create a function in python which will display the date. So I can see the program run, I have set one day to five seconds, so every five seconds it will become the next 'day' and it will print the date.

I know there is already an in-build function for displaying a date, however I am very new to python and I am trying to improve my skills (so excuse my poor coding.)

I have set the starting date to the first of January, 2000.

Here is my code:

import timedef showDate():year = 00month = 1day = 1oneDay = 5longMonths = [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]shortMonths = [4, 6, 9, 11]while True:time.sleep(1)oneDay = oneDay - 1if oneDay == 0:if month in longMonths:if day > 31:day = day + 1else:month = month + 1day = 0if month == 2:if day > 28:day = day + 1else:month = month + 1day = 0if month in shortMonths:if day > 30:day = day + 1else:month = month + 1day = 0if day == 31 and month == 12:year = year + 1print(str(day) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(year))oneDay = 5showDate()

However, when I try to run the program this is the output I get this:


I don't know why this is happening, could someone please suggest a solution?


There's no possible path through your code where day gets incremented.

I think you are actually confused between > and <: you check if day is greater than 31 or 28, which it never is. I think you mean if day < 31: and so on.

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