How to replace values in multidimensional array?

2024/7/7 5:31:50

I am trying to get a multidimensional array working, where the user string is filled in the cell. I have been searching for ways to update user values in the multidimensional array

  def createMultiArray(self,usrstrng,Itmval):#creates a multidimensional array, where usrstrng=user input, Itmval=width        ArrayMulti=[[" " for x in range(Itmval)]for x in range(Itmval)]# need to update user values, therefore accessing index to update values.for row in ArrayMulti:for index in range(len(row)):for Usrchr in usrstrng:row[index]= Usrchrprint "This is updated array>>>",ArrayMulti



current output that i am getting

  This is updated array>>> [['s', 's', 's'], ['s', 's', 's'], ['s', 's', 's']]

what i am looking for

  This is updated array>>> [['f', 'u', 'n'], ['s', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']]

the blank can be filled in with *


string.replace won't work, since it does not affect the original value.

>>> test = "hallo"
>>> test.replace("a", " ")
'h llo'
>>> test

Instead you need to access the list via the indexes:

for row in ArrayMulti:for index in range(len(row)):row[index] = "a"

If you provide a more precise question and add the output you want to achieve to the question, I can give you a more precise answer.

I scrapped the previous solution since it wasn't what you wanted

def UserMultiArray(usrstrng, Itmval):ArrayMulti=[[" " for x in range(Itmval)] for x in range(Itmval)]for index, char in enumerate(usrstrng):ArrayMulti[index//Itmval][index%Itmval] = charreturn ArrayMulti>>> stack.UserMultiArray("funs", 3)
[['f', 'u', 'n'], ['s', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']]

This little trick uses the whole-number-division:

[0, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4] // 3 -> 0, 0, 0, 1, 1

and the modulo operator(

[0, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4] % 3 -> 0, 1, 2, 0, 1

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