How to isolate titles from these image URLs?

2024/7/4 15:30:27

I have a list of image urls contained in 'images'. I am trying to isolate the title from these image urls so that I can display, on the html, the image (using the whole url) and the corresponding title.

So far I have this:

titles = [image[149:199].strip() for image in images]

This gives me the stripped title in the following format (I provide two examples to show the pattern)

le_Art_Project.jpg/220px- Rembrandt_van_Rijn_-Self-Portrait-_Google_Art_Project.jpg



The bits in bold (above) are the bits I would like to remove. From the start I would like to remove everything before 220px and from the end: _-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

A newbie to python, I am struggling with syntax and furthermore as I am doing this while referring to the loop of images (list), the string manipulation is not straightforward and I am unsure of how to approach this.

The whole code for reference is below:

@app.route('/') #this is what we type into our browser to go to pages. we create these using routes
def home():images=imagescrape()titles=[image[99:247].strip() for image in images]images_titles=zip(images,titles)return render_template('home.html',images=images,images_titles=images_titles)

What I've tried / am trying:

x = txt.strip("_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg")

Looking into strip - to get rid of the last part of the unwanted string.

I am unsure of how to combine this with getting rid of the leading string that I want to remove and also do so in the most elegant way given the structure/code I already have.

Visually, I am trying to remove the leading text as shown highlighted, as well as the last part of the string which is _-_Google_Art_Project.jpg.

Visual of HTML displayed:

Visual of HTML displayed


Based on an answer below - which is very helpful but doesn't quite perfectly solve it, I am trying this approach (without using the unquote import if possible and pure python string manipulation)

def titleextract(url):#return unquote(url[58:url.rindex("/",58)-8].replace('_',''))title=url[58:]return title

The above, returns:


but I want:


or for the second title/image in the list:


I want:



You have this string and want to remove. Let's say I have this stored in x

y = x.lsplit("px-")[1] 
z = x.rsplit("_Google_Art")[0]

This makes a list with 2 elements: stuff before "px-" in the string, and stuff after. We're just grabbing the stuff after, since you wanted to remove the stuff before. If "px-" isn't always in the string, then we need to find something else to split on. Then we split on something towards the end, and grab the stuff before it.

Edit: Addressing comment on how to split in that loop.. I think you are referring to this: titles=[image[149:199].strip() for image in images]

List comps are great but sometimes it's easier to just write it out. Haven't tested this but here's the idea:

titles = []
for image in images:title = image[149:199].strip()cleaned_left = title.lsplit("px-")[1]cleaned_title = title.rsplit("_Google_Art")[0]titles.append(cleaned_title)

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