python django only the first statement statement can be accessed

2024/7/8 6:13:26

i can acccess only the first statement in my name app


<script type="text/javascript">function searched(){{% for names in name %}nameSearched = document.getElementById('name').value;document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = nameSearched;if (nameSearched == "{{ names.First }}" ){document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = "{{ names.Last }}";} else {document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = "none";}{% endfor %}}

The problem is your function searched() in the script-tag.

If you have for example following name-instances:

[{'First': 'foo','Last': 'bar',},{'First': 'foobar','Last': 'barfoo',}

So your rendered if-else in the function would look like this:

function searched(){nameSearched = document.getElementById('name').value;if ("foo" == nameSearched) {...} else {...}if ("bar" == nameSearched) {...} else {...}

So as you can see, you are always running into the else if you entered foo.

What you could do is the following in your for-loop:

 <script type="text/javascript">function searched(){nameSearched = document.getElementById('name').value;{% for names in name %}{% if forloop.first %}if ("{{ names.First }}" == nameSearched) {document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = "{{ names.Last }}";}{% else %}else if ("{{ names.First }}" == nameSearched) {document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = "{{ names.Last }}";}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if name %}else {document.getElementById('dis').innerHTML = "none";}{% endif %}}

This would result in the following:

function searched(){nameSearched = document.getElementById('name').value;if ("foo" == nameSearched) {...}else if ("foobar" == nameSearched) {...}else {...}

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