Guitar string code in Python? [closed]

2024/7/7 5:19:16

I'm very new at Python but really interested in making a code that could simulate guitar strings. How would I go about doing this? Or at least how would I begin to do this? Any help is appreciated!

Thank you!


I would like to see the sound waves when playing different strings, notes, etc. I am also interested in the sound waves when two different strings are being played, and how that changes when they are dissonant and consonant notes. Another thing I'm interested in is how sometimes strings vibrate when they are not being plucked (resonance).

Any help is appreciated, thank you!!!


This is really a question of sound synthesis, and there's no simple answer. There are a whole bunch of possible approaches--it's an entire field of study. Physical Audio Signal Processing by J.O. Smith is a good starting point, as is The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music by Miller Puckette. For guitar, you might particularly be interested in the Karpus-Strong method. Perhaps you should search for a Python implementation of it. It's a common project for students in music technology programs; I'm sure there are many.

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