split an enumerated text list into multiple columns

2024/7/6 21:52:59

I have a dataframe column which is a an enumerated list of items and I'm trying to split them into multiple columns. for example

dataframe column that looks like this:

ID_1 1. Fruit 12 oranges 2. vegetables 7 carrot 3. NFL 246 SHIRTS
ID_2 1. Rock 2000 tons 2. PAPER 7 Notebook 3. Scissors 246 pairs

the preferred result is something like this:

ID Fruit vegetables NFL Rock PAPER Scissors
ID_1 12 oranges 7 carrot 0 0 0 0
ID_2 0 0 246 SHIRTS 2000 tons 7 Notebook 246 pairs

Also the number of the items varies from row to another [2-7] I'm trying to use str.extract

 df['ITEMS'].str.extract('(\d\.+)', flags=re.M, expand=True)

but it didn't work


this codes works with me

df.str.split(pat="\d\.\s", expand=True)

this one breaks it down separating the numbers and the rest of the text


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