Print a word diagonally? [closed]

2024/7/7 4:53:50

I'm new to python, so I'm trying to understand how to print a word diagonally (either right to left or vice versa).

So far, I've been trying to write it all under one function by defining the function.

Then using a for loop and inside including if statements as to whether right to left = True or False, but it's not working as I'm unaware of how to do it.


For top left to bottom right:

>>> word = 'HelloWorld'
>>> for i in range(len(word)):
...     print ' '*i, word[i]

For top right to bottom left:

>>> word_length = len(word)
>>> for i in range(len(word)):
...     print ' '*(word_length-i), word[i]

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