Python ZeroMQ PUSH/PULL -- Lost Messages?

2024/10/16 1:13:57

I am trying to use python with zeroMQ in PUSH / PULL mode, sending messages of size 4[MB] every few seconds.

For some reason, while it looks like all the messages are sent, ONLY SOME of them appear to have been received by the server. What am I missing here?

Here's the code for the client --

import zmq
import struct# define a string of size 4[MB] 
msgToSend = struct.pack('i', 45) * 1000 * 1000 context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
socket.connect("tcp://")# print the message size in bytes
print len(msgToSend)socket.send(msgToSend)print "Sent message"

And here is the code for the server --

import zmq
import structcontext = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
socket.bind("tcp://")while True:# receive the messagemsg = socket.recv()print "Message Size is: {0} [MB]".format( len(msg) / (1000 * 1000) )

What am I missing? How do I guarantee that messages are always sent and not lost?

In case it matters, I am using Ubuntu 10.04 32bit, Core Duo machine with 2[GB] RAM.

NOTE: I tried the same example using RabbitMQ and everything works well -- no message is lost. I am perplexed as I often hear praises of zeroMQ. Why did it fail where RabbitMQ succeed?


The problem is that when the program exits, the socket gets closed immediately and garbage collected with an effective LINGER of 0 (i.e. it throws any unsent messages away). This is a problem for larger messages because they take longer to send than it takes for the socket to be garbage collected.

You can avoid this by putting a sleep(0.1) just before the program exits (to delay the socket and context being garbage collected).

socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) (which is the default) should avoid this problem, but it doesn't for some reason that I haven't had time to investigate.

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