Can python coverage module conditionally ignore lines in a unit test?

2024/10/15 14:13:47

Using nosetests and the coverage module, I would like coverage reports for code to reflect the version being tested. Consider this code:

import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,3):print('older version of python')

When I test in python version 3.5, the print() shows up as untested. I'd like to have coverage ignore that line, but only when I'm testing using python version 3.3+

Is there a way to do something like # pragma: no cover on the print() statement only for when sys.version_info is not less than (3,3)? Effectively, I'd like to do something like this:

import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,3):print('older version of python') # pragma: [py26,py27,py32] no cover

Another option is to use a different .coveragerc file for different versions of Python, and to set the exclude_lines regex differently for the different versions.

I've seen some people use a different comment string, # no cover 3.x vs # no cover 2.x, for example.

But keep in mind, you don't have to use a comment pragma at all. The regex is applied to the entire line. For example, if you use a short notation for your conditional, like:

if PY2:blah_py2_stuff_blah()

then your .coveragerc file for Python 3 could have:

exclude_lines =# pragma: no coverif PY2:

Then the if PY2: lines would be excluded without any extra comments or effort on your part.

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