How do I raise a window that is minimized or covered with PyGObject?

2024/10/10 8:18:21

I'd been using the answer provided in the PyGTK FAQ, but that doesn't seem to work with PyGObject. For your convenience, here is a test case that works with PyGTK, and then a translated version that doesn't work with PyGObject.

PyGTK Version:

import gtkdef raise_window(widget, w2) = gtk.Window()
w1.set_title('Main window')
w2 = gtk.Window()
w2.set_title('Other window')b = gtk.Button('Move something on top of the other window.\nOr, minimize the''other window.\nThen, click this button to raise the other''window to the front')
b.connect('clicked', raise_window, w2)w1.add(b)w1.show_all()
w2.show_all()w1.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)

PyGObject version:

from gi.repository import Gtkdef raise_window(widget, w2) = Gtk.Window()
w1.set_title('Main window')
w2 = Gtk.Window()
w2.set_title('Other window')b = Gtk.Button('Move something on top of the other window.\nOr, minimize the''other window.\nThen, click this button to raise the other''window to the front')
b.connect('clicked', raise_window, w2)w1.add(b)w1.show_all()
w2.show_all()w1.connect('destroy', Gtk.main_quit)

When I click the button in the PyGObject version, the other window isn't raised, and I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 4, in
AttributeError: 'Window' object has no attribute 'window'

So I guess there must be some other way to get the Gdk.window in PyGObject?

Or is there some different/better way of accomplishing the same goal?

Any ideas?


As explained in this post, there are two options:

Raise the window temporarily (probably what you're looking for):

def raise_window(widget, w2):w2.present()

Raise the window permanently (or until explicitly changed by configuration):

def raise_window(widget, w2):w2.set_keep_above(True)

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