Flask WSGI application hangs when import nltk

2024/10/7 18:28:41

I followed the instructions here to create a onefile flask-app deployed to apache2 with mod-wsgi on ubuntu. That all works fine when using the original flask app. However, when adding import nltk to the flask app apache hangs (no 500).

I use python 2.7 and nltk 2.0.4

Others seem to have had similar problems with other packages. Setting

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

in the VirtualHost configuration seemed to have helped. However, I still get the same behavior. Did anybody run into the same issue? Thanks for the help!

Here is the VirtualHost Configuration file:

<VirtualHost *:8080># ---- Configure VirtualHost Defaults ----ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /home/bitnami/public_html/http<Directory />Options FollowSymLinksAllowOverride None</Directory><Directory /home/bitnami/public_html/http/>Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from all</Directory># ---- Configure WSGI Listener(s) ----WSGIDaemonProcess flaskapp user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5WSGIScriptAlias /flasktest1 /home/bitnami/public_html/wsgi/flasktest1.wsgi <Directory /home/bitnami/public_html/http/flasktest1>WSGIProcessGroup flaskappWSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}Order deny,allowAllow from all</Directory># ---- Configure Logging ----ErrorLog /home/bitnami/public_html/logs/error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /home/bitnami/public_html/logs/access.log combined

Here is the modified flask code

from flask import Flaskimport nltk
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():return """<html><h2>Hello from Test Application 1</h2></html>"""@app.route('/<foo>')
def foo(foo):return """<html><h2>Test Application 1</2><h3>/%s</h3></html>""" % fooif __name__ == '__main__':"Are we in the __main__ scope? Start test server."app.run(host='',port=5000,debug=True)

Where you have:

<Directory /home/bitnami/public_html/http/flasktest1>WSGIProcessGroup flaskappWSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}Order deny,allowAllow from all

it should be:

<Directory /home/bitnami/public_html/http>WSGIProcessGroup flaskappWSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}Order deny,allowAllow from all

as you are neither running your app in daemon mode or in the main interpreter because of the directives being in the wrong context.

That Directory directive then conflicts with one for same directory above so merge them.

If using mod_wsgi 3.0 or later count instead perhaps drop that second Directory block and use:

WSGIDaemonProcess flaskapp threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias /flasktest1 /home/bitnami/public_html/wsgi/flasktest1.wsgi process-group=flaskapp application-group=%{GLOBAL}

Note that processes=1 has been dropped as that is the default and setting it implies other things you likely don't want. You also don't need to set user/group as it will automatically run as the Apache user anyway.


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