How to (re)name an empty column header in a pandas dataframe without exporting to csv

2024/10/5 17:20:56

I have a pandas dataframe df1 with an index column and an unnamed series of values. I want to assign a name to the unnamed series.

The only way to do this that I know so far is to export to df1.csv using:

df1.to_csv("df1.csv", header = ["Signal"])

and then re-import using:

pd.read_csv("df1.csv", sep=",")

However, this costs time and storage space. How to do this in-memory?

When I do df2 = df1.rename(columns = {"" : "Signal"}, inplace = True)

I yield:

AttributeError: "Series" object has no attribute "Signal".


I think inplace=True has to be removed, because it return None:

df2 = df1.rename(columns = {"" : "Signal"})

df1.rename(columns = {"" : "Signal"}, inplace = True)

Another solution is asign new name by position:

df.columns.values[0] = 'Signal'


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'':[1,2,3],'B':[4,5,6],'C':[7,8,9]})print (df1)B  C
0  1  4  7
1  2  5  8
2  3  6  9df2 = df1.rename(columns = {"" : "Signal"})
print (df2)Signal  B  C
0       1  4  7
1       2  5  8
2       3  6  9

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