Is there a proper way to subclass Tensorflows Dataset?

2024/10/2 12:17:48

I was looking at different ways that one can do custom Tensorflow datasets, and I was used to looking at PyTorch's datasets, but when I went to look at Tensorflow's datasets, I saw this example:

class ArtificialDataset( _generator(num_samples):# Opening the filetime.sleep(0.03)for sample_idx in range(num_samples):# Reading data (line, record) from the filetime.sleep(0.015)yield (sample_idx,)def __new__(cls, num_samples=3):return,output_signature = tf.TensorSpec(shape = (1,), dtype = tf.int64),args=(num_samples,))

But two questions came up:

  1. This looks like all it does is that when the object is instantiated, the __new__ method just calls the static method. So why not just call it? Why is there a point of even subclassing Are there any methods that are even used from
  2. Would there be a way to do it like a data generator, where one fills out an __iter__ method while inheriting from Idk, something like
class MyDataLoader( __init__(self, path, *args, **kwargs):super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = pd.read_csv(path)def __iter__(self):for datum in datum

Thank you all very much!


Question 1

That example is just encapsulating a dataset with a generator in a class. It is inheriting from because from_generator() returns a -based object. However, no methods of are used as seen in the example. Thus, answer to question 1: yes, it can be called straight without using the class.

Question 2

Yes. It can be done like that.

Another, similar way would be to use tf.keras.utils.Sequence like here.

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