Use BeautifulSoup to extract sibling nodes between two nodes

2024/10/2 10:34:40

I've got a document like this:

<p class="top">I don't want this</p><p>I want this</p>
<table><!-- ... -->
</table><img ... /><p> and all that stuff too</p><p class="end>But not this and nothing after it</p>

I want to extract everything between the p[class=top] and p[class=end] paragraphs.

Is there a nice way I can do this with BeautifulSoup?


node.nextSibling attribute is your solution:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(html)nextNode = soup.find('p', {'class': 'top'})
while True:# processnextNode = nextNode.nextSiblingif getattr(nextNode, 'name', None)  == 'p' and nextNode.get('class', None) == 'end':break

This complicated condition is to be sure that you're accessing attributes of HTML tag and not string nodes.

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