Parsing Python function calls to get argument positions

2024/10/2 12:34:28

I want code that can analyze a function call like this:

whatever(foo, baz(), 'puppet', 24+2, meow=3, *meowargs, **meowargs)

And return the positions of each and every argument, in this case foo, baz(), 'puppet', 24+2, meow=3, *meowargs, **meowargs.

I tried using the _ast module, and it seems to be just the thing for the job, but unfortunately there were problems. For example, in an argument like baz() which is a function call itself, I couldn't find a simple way to get its length. (And even if I found one, I don't want a bunch of special cases for every different kind of argument.)

I also looked at the tokenize module but couldn't see how to use it to get the arguments.

Any idea how to solve this?


This code uses a combination of ast (to find the initial argument offsets) and regular expressions (to identify boundaries of the arguments):

import ast
import redef collect_offsets(call_string):def _abs_offset(lineno, col_offset):current_lineno = 0total = 0for line in call_string.splitlines():current_lineno += 1if current_lineno == lineno:return col_offset + totaltotal += len(line)# parse call_string with astcall = ast.parse(call_string).body[0].value# collect offsets provided by astoffsets = []for arg in call.args:a = argwhile isinstance(a, ast.BinOp):a = a.leftoffsets.append(_abs_offset(a.lineno, a.col_offset))for kw in call.keywords:offsets.append(_abs_offset(kw.value.lineno, kw.value.col_offset))if call.starargs:offsets.append(_abs_offset(call.starargs.lineno, call.starargs.col_offset))if call.kwargs:offsets.append(_abs_offset(call.kwargs.lineno, call.kwargs.col_offset))offsets.append(len(call_string))return offsetsdef argpos(call_string):def _find_start(prev_end, offset):s = call_string[prev_end:offset]m ='(\(|,)(\s*)(.*?)$', s)return prev_end + m.regs[3][0]def _find_end(start, next_offset):s = call_string[start:next_offset]m ='(\s*)$', s[:max(s.rfind(','), s.rfind(')'))])return start + m.start()offsets = collect_offsets(call_string)   result = []# previous endend = 0# given offsets = [9, 14, 21, ...],# zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) returns [(9, 14), (14, 21), ...]for offset, next_offset in zip(offsets, offsets[1:]):#print 'I:', offset, next_offsetstart = _find_start(end, offset)end = _find_end(start, next_offset)#print 'R:', start, endresult.append((start, end))return resultif __name__ == '__main__':try:while True:call_string = raw_input()positions = argpos(call_string)for p in positions:print ' ' * p[0] + '^' + ((' ' * (p[1] - p[0] - 2) + '^') if p[1] - p[0] > 1 else '')print positionsexcept EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt:pass


whatever(foo, baz(), 'puppet', 24+2, meow=3, *meowargs, **meowargs)^ ^^   ^^      ^^  ^^    ^^       ^^        ^
[(9, 12), (14, 19), (21, 29), (31, 35), (37, 43), (45, 54), (56, 66)]
f(1, len(document_text) - 1 - position)^^                               ^
[(2, 3), (5, 38)]

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