Amazon S3 Python S3Boto 403 Forbidden When Signature Has + sign

2024/9/24 17:18:12

I am using Django and S3Boto and whenever a signature has a '+' sign in it, I get a 403 Forbidden. If there is no '+' sign in the signature, I get the resource just fine. What could be wrong here?


The repo is at :

the files concerned are:


NOTE: I am quite new to Python. I tried modifying the code but I still can't get the encoding done properly.


I'm a little short on time (as it's 1:30am) so unfortunately I do not have a code sample for you yet, but I believe this is because the value + in a URL should be encoded. So from github, your url of...

should really be

(Note: I replaced the + with %2B)


To fix the code, I would add an URLEncoding function where it builds the URL query string.

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