Which implementation of OrderedDict should be used in python2.6?

2024/9/24 15:17:06

As some of you may know in python2.7/3.2 we'll get OrderedDict with PEP372 however one of the reason the PEP existed was because everyone did their own implementation and they were all sightly incompatible.

So which one of the 8 current implementations in the PEP is backwards compatible with the 2.7 odict from python 2.7 in a way we can start using that now and depend on 2.7 in a couple of months?


This package (for Python 2.4 or better) claims to be "A drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections.OrderedDict that works in Python 2.4-2.6.", but I have not checked that claim.


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